松岡 優 吉村 栄子 伊勢 正夫 久保 雅宏 山下 和子
四国医学雑誌 (ISSN:00373699)
vol.59, no.4-5, pp.244-249, 2003-10-25

We studied the onset of allergic diseases and allergy march in 1,029 children aged from 3 months-old to 18-years old.A clinical study showed the close relationship between atopic dermatitis and asthma,and between asthma and allergic rhinitis. Specific IgE to house dust, mites, pets and pollen was recognized to be positive in early infants aged 4- or 5 months-old.This finding is earlier than the previous report, indicate the recent increase of allergic disease. Allergy to food allergens, inhalanted allergens and contact allergens are linked each other, and tend to be IgE-mediated sensitization to multiallergen.