笛田 和希 山本 七彩 横山 遥 手嶋 日菜子 五十川 奈穂 柴田 航志 中原 涼花 乘次 優希奈 宮川 光林 田中 聖子 平野 貴士 上野 桃子 藤戸 文子 高嶋 綾香 菅野 憲一
かやのもり:近畿大学産業理工学部研究報告 = Reports of Faculty of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering, Kindai University (ISSN:13495801)
no.24, pp.15-20, 2016-07-15

We investigated long-lasting bubbles by mixing commercially available reagents. The features of the soap bubbles depended on the composition of the detergent, polymer, and other chemical components. Soap bubble containing sucrose, sodium alkyl ether sulfate (AES)- detergent and PVA laundry starch gave a spherical shape on various solid surfaces, including concrete, asphalt, tile, and grass after landing. We revealed that the low surface tension of the bubble was not the singular reason for its long lifetime. The lifetime of the film tended to be prolonged with decreasing humidity.