加藤 咲季 山野辺 夏樹 Gentiane Venture Gowrishankar Ganesh
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2018, pp.2A1-C16, 2018

<p>A good understanding of the handovers between humans is critical for the development of robots in the service industry. In this work, we analyzed the human handover motion to determine to what extent they adapt their handovers to individual partners and whether they can predict the handover positions of a partner. To analyze this issue, motivated by motor control studies, we analyzed handovers by humans in the absence of visual feedback. Our results show that humans have the surprising ability to modulate their handover location according to partners they have just met, and their distance from the partner. The resulting handover errors are relatively small, suggesting that they can predict each other's handover behavior.</p>