渡辺 嘉二郎 真鍋 宗広 吉川 崇
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.42, no.4, pp.404-410, 2006-04-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
4 5

Two indices, sleep age and sleep index by the human pulse wave and body movement measured non-invasively by the pneumatic method are presented. The sleep age shows the quality of a whole night sleep and the sleep index shows the sleep characteristics of each minute to estimate the sleep stage in the manner of R-K method. The average error between the estimated sleep ages by the R-K method and the proposed method was 7.8 years. The coincidence rate by direct comparisons of sleep stages for each minute estimated by the R-K method and the proposed was 36.4% and SQRM of errors was one sleep stage. The sleep stages estimated by the proposed method showed the essential human sleep characteristics in whole night sleep.