吉田 昌義
信州短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09182780)
vol.13, pp.7-12, 2001-12-25

米国における同時多発テロ事件の発生が世界を震憾させた。ブッシュ米大統領は本件を「新たな戦争」(New War)と定義し、テロリズムヘの徹底抗戦を宣言した。同大統領が今回のテロ事件を「新たな戦争」と決めつけた意義は、一定のルールに則った20世紀的な国と国との戦争の概念を越えた21世紀的な戦争が始まったというところにある。「一国に対する攻撃は全世界に対する攻撃」であると断じ、直ちに戦闘態勢を整えた。日本も「遅ればせながら」(at the eleventh hour)対応策を講じようとしている。"An attack on one is an attack on all" というブッシュ大統領の演説のフレーズから即興的に借りて彼の演説中に取り入れたという小泉総理の国会答弁を聞くに及び、余りにも不用意な発言に限りない落胆の念を禁じ得なかった筆者である。総理のワシントンでの演説は、従来の憲法解釈を根底から覆す意味内容を包含しており、憲法で禁止しているといわれる「集団的自衛権の行使」を容認するものである。今回の同時多発テロ事件をめぐり日本の国際貢献活動を拘束してきた日本国憲法と国連憲章の矛盾を指摘し、国連加盟国日本の取るべき道は国際法優位の立場を踏まえながら、日本が超憲法的な対応策を採るべき時にきていることを強調した。「時は日本を待ってくれない」、それが日本を取り巻く今日の国際情勢である。
吉田 昌義
信州短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09182780)
vol.12, pp.23-33, 2000-12-25

"Sengotaiseino Seisan" (literally meaning, Clearing up the Post-World-War System) is now widely spoken among Japanese people, and its focus is being brought to revision of the leagal systems founded upon the oreders and memoranda issued and enforced by GHQ during the occupation or those systems built, after Japan having regained her independence, on the Constitution of Japan adopted under the occupation. This is to revisit the process through which the constitution was drafted and adopted, and to put up a question, in the light of the histry of Japan afterWW n, to legitimacy of the constitution, although the legitimacy has long been recognized among almost all constitutionalists in Japan. The systems constructed immediately after the defeat of Japan are deemed to be based on "5 D's Occupation Policy" -Disarmament or Demilitarization,Denationalization, Disindustrialization, Decentralization and Democratization - which was fiercely enforced to Japan. The first and last D's were stipulated as the representative provision in the constitution. Almost all of Japanese people had welcomed with thanks the constitution as adopted "under the collective will of Japanese people obtaining sovereignty". No Japanese except a few did not recognize"there is no people's sovereignty where a state is not sovereign." And, half a century has passed since the adoption of the constitution without any question on it. Compared with the case in Germany, defeated as well, the situation was completely different from that of Japan. Not willing to adopt the constitution under occupation, they had adopted "just a law" termed as Basic Law, temporarily applied to whole Germans including east part of Germany. Now, the world situation changed, and Japan enjoys the second economic power after the USA. Now that The Constitution of Japan and other systems stemmed from it are not applicable to Japan, we Japanese have to see the constitutionin a new light so that it may meet such requirements as adopting a new constitution with will of Japanese, in view of history, tradition, individuality and nationality of Japan and in a way of adapting to the world needs.