植松 伸之介 井口 祐貴 楠本 繁生 下河内 洋平 大城 章 横手 健太
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.2, pp.231-237, 2018-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

This study investigated the occurrence frequency of accelerations (Acc), decelerations (Dec), and changes of directions (CoD) during the actual handball game and their frequency under high intensity events (HIE) circumstances, using inertial measurement units (IMU).     Participants were female handball players in Japan. 10 players (Age: 24.7±2.3 years old, height: 167.0±8.1 cm, body weight: 65.2±6.1 kg) belong to womenʼs division of Japan Handball League (upper group), 10 top-level university players (Age: 20.6±0.8 years old, height: 165.1±5.9 cm, body weight: 61.0±5.6 kg) from the division 1 of Japanese university handball league (middle group), and 8 university players (age: 20.0±0.8 years old, height: 157.9±5.8 cm, body weight: 54.3±5.5 kg) from a team belong to division 2 of the league (lower group).     As a result, the upper group displayed the highest occurrence frequency in all items, the middle group was second highest, and lower group was the lowest. The result indicates that in competition sites, it is important to implement specializing training based on the understanding of the characteristics of handball as a sport and on the scientific knowledge that we could acquire from the actual games.