堤 泰行 草野 善照 小野 訓 藤井 寛一 檜垣 勝
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌) (ISSN:03854205)
vol.111, no.11, pp.979-987, 1991-11-20 (Released:2008-07-15)
4 4

Effect of discharge inception voltage on electromagnetic noise spectra in VHF and UHF region from spark discharge at hemisphere-plane electrodes in atmosphere is studied. The discharge inception voltages are changed by several means, such as increasing gap length from 2mm to 6mm, or UV-ray irradiation, or increasing stress concentration at the electrode tip, or spreading dust such as cotton cloths, acylic resin particles, copper particles, or alminum particles on the plane electrode.When the discharge inception voltage is increased, macroscopic slope of noise spectra from 100MHz to 1 GHz decreases generally, that is, high frequency components of noise increase with thevoltages.These phenomena can be explaned by theoretical analysis based onToepler's Law of spakdischarge and Hertz's dipole EM radiation law. As the exceptional cases, low dicharge inception voltages by metal particles or by positive stress concentration at the electrode tip do not contribute much to suppression of high frequency components of the noise.