山形 泰之
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.16, no.1, pp.78-87, 2019-12-24 (Released:2019-12-24)

This essay is concerned with a theoretical contrast between the notions of “religion” of Kant and those of Schleiermacher, his contemporary thinker and critical reader of his treatises. In the philosophy of religion of Kant, where his “rational religion” puts forward several discussions of God, his concept of “deity” is characterized by attention to human desires and God’s support of human autonomy. On the other hand, Schleiermacher is critical of the portrayal of human beings as active, autonomous subjects; humanity is seen merely as passive and receptive. By comparing the notions of divinity of the two philosophers, this essay tries to establish two different views on the nature of “belief” in Christian religion.
山形 泰之
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.14, no.1, pp.84-94, 2017-12-24 (Released:2017-12-24)

Concerned with the question of religious awareness in the thought system of Kant, this essay considers his philosophical position in the Critiques in reference to the situation where humans are brought face to face with God. Lots of students have attempted to examine Kant's own standpoint about the relationship between human beings and God; especially those academic works which concentrate attention on the teachings of Critique of Practical Reason stress that his theoretical position is one of ethical, not religious, apparatus of discovering God by way of moral aspects of human beings. Yet, in spite of their findings, many of those theoretical and terminological inconsistencies about basic character of human beings which are found in Kant's own system of ideas remain unaccounted for. In this essay the author tries to open up a new perspective in which to grasp Kant's own view of the limited nature of human beings as finite beings with innate depravity, and of a necessary logical shift from ethics to religion.
山形 泰之
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.12, no.1, pp.93-103, 2015-12-25 (Released:2015-12-30)

In this essay the author is concerned with the development of Kant's philosophy in which the Critiques lead to the notions of God and religion, in particular reference to his analysis of the 'teleological judgment' in Critique of Judgment. Kant's discussion in this part of the work concerning what makes a human being really moral directs us toward a new phase of thinking beyond the general scheme of Critique of Practical Reason. On this new horizon of thought, a moral human being, in pursuing ultimate good, is supposed to be moving toward the goal of superlative good of humans. And this is exactly where God comes down to relate Himself with humans. It is this idea of the relation between God and humans which provides a key to Kant's perspective on religion (re-ligio).The relation between Divine Being and human beings is considered in terms of its logical structure against the background of the progress from the Critiques to Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.