水川 展吉 冨永 進 木股 敬裕 小野田 友男 野宮 重信 杉山 成史 川本 知明 山近 英樹 植野 高章 高木 慎
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.119, no.3, pp.267-272, 2008-01-04 (Released:2008-07-04)
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There is a medical team approach used in many hospitals for oral cancer patients. The members are head & neck surgeons and plastic surgeons, or oral surgeons and plastic surgeons. However, in Japan, it is very difficult for oral surgeons to cooperate with head & neck surgeons, except in the case of extractions and oral health care, because both surgeons treat oral carcinomas and there is therefore a conflict in their scope of practice. We believe it desirable for head & neck surgeons to treat oral cancer patients with tumors extending to other regions, and oral surgeons should be in charge of occlusion in head and neck carcinomas. We treated two patients with oral carcinomas in collaboration with head and neck surgeons and plastic surgeons, with head & neck surgeons resecting the tumors, plastic surgeons reconstructing, and oral surgeons (dentists) taking charge of the occlusion for patients in the operating room. This collaboration resulted in patients having good position of the temporomandibular joint and occlusions after the operation. We therefore conclude that this collaborative team approach may be of benefit to the patients.