島田 佳枝
美術教育学:美術科教育学会誌 (ISSN:0917771X)
vol.24, pp.143-159, 2003-03-31 (Released:2017-06-12)

Recently the importance of 'children's participation' has been pointed out in many areas. How-ever, there have been few theoretical attempts made to study children's participation from the standpoint of the children who have difficulties in relation with others prior to participation. This paper describes such circumstances of children as 'Communication Insufficiency Syndrome' according to NAKAJIMA, Azusa, and examines where children can start relations with others as a basic subject of participation theories. Analysis of Roger Hart's participation theory has therefore been conducted in the aspect of the relationship between adults and children. The result shows that 'children's participation' are activities carried out in a 'call-response relationship' and are based on children's own speeches=expressions. Noting that in the participation theory children's self-expressions are considered as based on their physicality especially at initial stages, it is also discussed how this observation is associated with dissolution of 'Communication Insufficiency'.