市川 博保
松本歯学 (ISSN:03851613)
vol.19, no.3, pp.315-327, 1993-12-31

Albucasis is one of the representative scholar of Arabic Medicine in the Middle Ages. He wrote a book titled "Surgery", which it thought to be a quotation from the work of Paul of Aegina. Nevertheless, the book is very famous for its vast quantity of illustrations of surgical and dental instruments. In 1909 V. Guerini described the instruments in "Surgery" from the book which had been translated into Latin by Channing. I compared the work of Channing with the English Version by Spink and Lewis and discovered something new. "Surgery" is of composed three books. In the first book, treatment or cures involve cauterization. In the second book cure is referred to as incision, perforation, venesection and wounds. Finally the third book focuses on the cures for bone fractures and dislocations. Among the books there appeared 196 illustrations of surgical and dental instruments. Therefore, it is said that "Surgery" is the first book which adopted illustrations, of mentioned above. I found that some articles should have been added to the dental descriptions by Guerini. Moreover, I found that regarding the dental instruments, especially the sealer, different illustrations had been introduced by Guerini.