平賀 章三 市川 米太
vol.29, pp.207-216, 1988-02

The pumice-tuff for the blind test is dated by the quartz inclusion method. The samples were collected in Omachi clty, Nagano Prefecture,and their ages are assumed to be O.3 to O.4 Ma geologically.The assessed TL age is O.29±0.03 Ma(11%error). If the dry condition had been continued over the geological time,the expected age is O.26±0.02 Ma (7%),otherwise for wet condition O.32±0.02 Ma(7%)is expected. In this TL dating,taking account of the propagation of error,the associated error is assessed,based on the experimental error due to the reproducibility of the TL intenslty. The method of error assessment is described in detail on each stage of TL dating. Thus it was revealed that the quartz inclusion method is useful with the sufficient precision for the age of the order of l05 year,though depending on the TL characteristic of the sample.