庄司 観 秋山 佳丈 鈴木 将登 中村 暢文 大野 弘幸 森島 圭祐
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._1A2-O04_1-_1A2-O04_4, 2013-05-22 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper reports the potentiality of a semi-permanent integrated power source mounted on an insect. First, an insect biofuel cell(BFC) based on trehalase and glucose oxidase reactions which oxidize β-glucose obtained by hydrolyzing trehalose found in cockroach hemolymph(CHL) was developed and the maximum power density of 46 μW/cm^2 was obtained. Then, a self-circulation system of CHL powered by the dorsal vessel of a cockroach was developed for self-refueling of an insect-mountable BFC and connected to a cockroach with a flow channel. Finally, the electrochemical reaction of the anode was confirmed to take place when the chamber was mounted onto the cockroach. The results have enough potential to be applied for a micro battery of novel ubiquitous robots such as insect cyborgs in near future.