成瀬 トーマス誠
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.20, pp.59-90, 2014-03-28 (Released:2018-01-10)

In 2009, in a thesis titled "The Concept of Judicial Power in the Early Period of American Constitution", the author tried to show how the judicial power was concepted during drafting and early era of American constitution. In that thesis, the author considered about drafting process of article 3 of the Constitution, Federalists' view of the judicial power, early debate about advisory opinions, and early 2 U.S. supreme court cases. In that thesis, as a conclusion, the author found out that the judicial power had not took a shape yet, and still on the way to be defined (still, need for some sort of "case" was clear). However, further consideration about some more topics such as Anti-Federalists view of judicial power, Judiciary Act of 1789, and debate about concept of early judicial review, will enable closer look at early concept of judicial power. In this thesis, the author will discuss those topics, and shows more specific figure of early concept of judicial power.
成瀬 トーマス誠
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.18, pp.87-108, 2011-12-19 (Released:2018-01-10)

This article examines how the concept of standing has changed through the history of the United States Supreme Court cases from 1803 to 2011. For the conclusion, the concept of the standing has changed under the demand of the change of the society. However, through the 200 years of the history, there were 6 points that have not changed, such as prohibition of advisory opinions, etc. This article argues that though standing has changed dramatically, there still remains an area which has been kept unchanged.