日野 あすか
美術教育学:美術科教育学会誌 (ISSN:0917771X)
vol.26, pp.319-330, 2005-03-31 (Released:2017-06-12)

There are few people who understand about the fine arts and the molding education currently performed in the schools for the visually impaired. There are two reasons for this. One is the subconscious that blind children and plastic act are not connected. Another is that there is little information about them. In this research, a questionnaire to survey the lesson was administered to the person in charge of fine arts and molding education in schools for the visually impaired all over the country. Moreover, a questionnaire and other investigations were conducted also for the blind. By comparing the two, I would like to grasp the actual conditions and consider the future of fine arts and molding education of the visually handicapped children.