星野 安咨
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.16, no.4, pp.155-163, 1940 (Released:2007-04-04)

In this report two more rare pattern types: aulica (Fig. 1-a, b) and gutta (new name proposed by Prof. T. Komai) (Fig. 1-f, g, h) are dealt with. Both of these are due to the factors (PAu=factor for aulica, PG=factor for gutta) belonging to the same allelomorphic series as conspicua, transversifascia, spectabilis, axyridis, forficula and succinea and behave as dominants to succinea.The heterozygote of axyridis and aulica (PAPAu) (Fig. 1-c) and the heterozygote of forficula and aulica (PFPAu) (Fig. 1-d) can be distinguished as such from homozygotes. The heterozygote of transversifascia and aulica (PTPAu) may be distinguished from transversifascia in that the spot has a concavity on the antero-median side (Fig. 1-e), though in some cases the heterozygote of transversifascia and aulica shows the same appenrance as transversifascia. The distinction between the heterozygote of gutta and axyridis (PGPA) and the heterozygote of conspicus and axridis (PCPA) and that between the heterozygote of gutta and forficula (PGPF) and the heterozygote of conspicua and forficula (PCPF) can often made by the fact that the spot is provided with an accessory speck on its antero-median corner, though the speck may be missing in some cases (see Report II, Fig. 1-l, m and Report III, Fig. 1-e). The heterozygote of conspicua and aulica (PCPAu), the heterozygote of conspicua and gutta (PCPG), the heterozygote of gutta and spectabilis (PGPS), the heterozygote of gutta and transversifascia (PGPT) and the heterozygote of gutta and aulica (PGPAu) can not be distinguished from conspicua; the heterozygote of spectabilis and aulica (PSPAu) may shows the same appearance as spectabilis.