- 著者
春原 浩樹
- 出版者
- GRIPS Policy Research Center
- 雑誌
- GRIPS Discussion Papers
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.17-18, 2018-03
ニュージーランドでは,改正後の「地震に弱い建築物制度」が2017年7月1日に施行された.本研究では,ニュージーランドと日本の法令,両国政府発出文書その他の文献の調査,ニュージーランドのEPB登録簿及び日本の所管行政庁から公表された耐震診断結果のデータの整理・分析等を通じて同制度の内容,適用の現状等を調査し,日本の耐震改修促進法による制度との比較分析を行った.その結果,同制度は,対象を限定して耐震化工事を義務付ける,耐震改修の目標性能レベルは現行基準の1/3とする,耐震診断結果は2段階の耐震等級を付して公表する,地震に弱い建築物であることを建築物に掲示させるなど,対象建築物,義務付けの内容,目標性能レベル,公表の内容や方法等の点で日本とは異なるアプローチを採用していることが分かった.New Zealand reviewed its policy for earthquake-prone buildings (EPB) and implemented a new system for managing EPBs as of July 1, 2017. This study explored the details and current state of its application and compared them to those of the similar program in Japan under the Act on Promotion of Seismic Retrofit of Buildings, through a survey of the respective laws and regulations of New Zealand and Japan, their publications, and other literature as well as analyses of the EPB register and by tabulating and analyzing the seismic assessment data of buildings published by the relevant agencies in Japan. It is concluded that the EPB program is taking an approach different from that of Japan in the applicable buildings, requirements, target performance, contents and methodology of disclosure. For instance, the New Zealand system requires seismic upgrading only on limited groups of buildings, a performance target of one third of the current level imposed on new construction, its seismic assessment to be published in two levels, and the building to be labeled as an EPB if so determined.