木藤 和明 大塚 雅哉 青山 肇男 茶木 雅夫 椎名 孝次
動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
vol.2007, no.12, pp.207-210, 2007-06-13

Reactor power uprate of nuclear power plants is an efficient plant operating method. Most BWR plants need the exchange of high pressure turbines when plant thermal power increases over 5% because main steam flow rate exceeds the limitation of inlet steam flow rate of a high pressure turbine. Therefore, the new power uprate method named heat balance shift power uprate method has been developed. This method decreases feedwater temperature with increasing plant thermal power not to increase main steam flow rate. This study clarified that the heat balance shift method could increase plant electric power up to 2.8% compared with conventional power uprate method without the exchange of a high pressure turbine.