宗宮 詮 沢田 耕司 国尾 武
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.51, no.465, pp.1448-1452, 1985-05-25 (Released:2008-02-21)

In this paper, the fatigue fracture process of FRP (SMC) was studied with a special attention to the variation of the stiffness ratio K which takes place during cyclic loading. Experimental results showed that the fatigue fracture process might be devided into the three characteristic stages, that is, (1) First stage (N=1∼N1) in which K dose not vary irrespective of cyclic loading, (2) Second stage in which the decreasing rate of the stiffness ratio defined by d(K)/d(logN) is constant, and (3) Final stage where the rapid decrease of the stiffness ratio at KIII leads to the final fatigue fracture. Furthermore, examination of scatters in experimental data at each stages by aid of probability plots showed that their distributions are the logarithmic normal ones. Also, it was found that the fatigue strength of SMC might be given by three characteristic parameters of N1, d(K)/d(logN) and KIII.