渡部 朝史 村田 謙二 神谷 祥二
一般社団法人 エネルギー・資源学会
エネルギー・資源学会論文誌 (ISSN:24330531)
vol.30, no.3, pp.10-18, 2009 (Released:2019-09-14)

Expanding energy resources for electric power plants from fossil energies to cost competitive renewable ones are required for reducing GHG emissions and for coping with the soaring in imported fossil energies prices. Importing natural energy resources as storable and transportable hydrogen transformed from wind power electricity may be preferable, if a large quantity of windmills are constructed in the favored oversea regions, such as Patagonia, where steady and strong wind is blowing over wide area and its electricity cost becomes low. Three kinds of electricity generating systems, based on domestic land windmills, domestic offshore windmills and that composed of electric power plant utilizing imported hydrogen, as mentioned above, are designed and the electricity costs of net power flows from such three systems are derived by estimating construction and running costs for the elements of such systems from open references. The result shows that the electricity cost derived from oversea wind power is comparable with that from domestic land wind power, if the future improvements of energy conversion efficiencies of electrolysis and hydrogen liquefaction are considered, though the construction cost for the oversea wind power system is more than twice of that of the domestic land wind power system.