玉城 朋彦
島嶼研究 (ISSN:18847013)
vol.2006, no.6, pp.21-40, 2006 (Released:2010-04-30)

Based on assessments and studies of enhancing functioning of regional governance models throughout Japan, the 28th Local Governance Research Council submitted a report to the Prime Minister of Japan this past February 28, recommending that the nation move from the centralized, prefecture-based model now in place to a new doshusei (decentralized regional governance) system. The report recommends the entirety of Okinawa Prefecture be restructured as Okinawa Shu, i. e., a single regional incorporation. But how shall economic self-sufficiency be attained? What prospects are there? In developing resources outside of the tourism now Okinawa's primary industry, the recommendations include incorporating a German Republic-style tax, seeking expanded relief funding form the Central Government to compensate for the burden of the US bases, arranging for a portion of revenues to come from the joint Japan/China development to gas and oil fields in Senkaku island waters to go to local Okinawa government, and considering development of longevity-related tourism. In closing, we have compiled proposals on Okinawa's restructuring as shu (regional state) from the Okinawa Prefectural Government, mass media, national Diet representatives, and political parties.