大久保 光 角 太朗 田中 典義 佐々木 信也
一般社団法人 日本トライボロジー学会
トライボロジスト (ISSN:09151168)
pp.19-00004, (Released:2019-10-02)

Mechanisms of the synergistic effects of MoDTC and organic polymer friction modifier (OPFM) on tribological properties was investigated by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) and frequency modulated atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM). The OPFM used in this study was poly-lauryl-acrylate with OH group: poly-lauryl-acrylate-hydroxyethyl-acrylate (PLA/HEA). Friction tests were conducted at steel/steel tribopairs lubricated with poly-alpha olefin (PAO) and PAO with PLA/HEA, MoDTC and PLA/HEA-MoDTC. From the friction test results, PAO +MoDTC+PLA/HEA exhibited lower friction compared to the other solutions. From all our results, the synergistic low frictional effects can be derived from the formation of MoS2 and the high viscous and thick additive adsorbates on the sliding surface.