西崎 祐輔 瓜田 明 田中 周治
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2002, no.3, pp.335-336, 2002-09-20

Aerodynamic characteristics and near-field flow fields of rectangular flat-plate wings with very small aspect ratios, λ=1∿0.05 at full angles of attack, α=0∿90 deg, have been presented. The flow details were investigated using oil film flow visualization and PIV measurements. The typical features of surface flows on wings with various aspect ratios can be classified into 6 types, i.e., un-separated(US), partially separated(PS-1) with U-type flow reattachment, PS-2 with O-type reattachment, PS-3 with long cigar-type reattachment, PS-4 with indistinct reattachment and fully separeted(FS). The aerodynamic characteristics and near-flow structures of test wings can be classified into three groups corresponding to their aspect ratios, which are (1) small aspect ratio wing (λ=1), (2) smaller aspect ratio wings (λ=0.75∿0.66) and (3) very small aspect ratio wings (λ=0.5∿0.05). It has been confirmed that the aerodynamics and detailed flow structures investigated exhibit very close correlations.
西崎 祐輔 瓜田 明 田中 周治
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2003, no.2, pp.341-342, 2003-08-05

3 dimensional wake structures behind rectangular flat-plate wings with aspect ratios of 0.1∿1.0 have been investigated using Laser Doppler Velocimeter and yaw-probe. Flow details, such as vorticity vectors and vortex lines in the wakes, have been analyzed for the 5 typical flow configurations (PS-1∿PS-4,FS), which were classified in the previous report from the measurements of aerodynamic characteristics and surface flow visualization. Trailing vortices are clearly formed for flow configurations, PS-1 and PS-2. Ring-type vortices are shed for FS. Vortex structures for PS-3 and PS-4 appear to be mixed types of trailing vortices and ring-type vortices.