盛永 俊太郎 栗山 英雄 青木 政春
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.18, no.6, pp.297-304, 1942 (Released:2007-04-04)
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(1) Some clonal individuals of a haploid plant of Dekiyama produced, in 1933, several diploid tillers which were normal in every respects (1). In the self pollination progenies traced back to those diploid tillers, certain lines in 1936 segregated, besides the normal plants, very small and sterile individuals nearly in a monohybrid recessive ratio (Table 1). A majority of the normal plants also segregated the dwarf type next year in the same ratio.(2) At germination, most of the seeds which develop into the dwarf produce hairs very poorly on the epiblast and coleorhiza (Fig. 3). Though the dwarf is discriminated from the normal even in the first foliage stage, the distinction of the two types becomes very clear with the development of the second leaf on account of its short and narrow sheath and short and curved blade.(3) The upper epidermis of the young dwarf leaf is very characteristic for its far larger number of bulliform cells and the shortness of the ripple wall ones (Figs. 7 and 8).(4) The dwarf grows more slowly in length than the normal, though it tillers more quickly. The dwarf in maturity is smaller than the normal in every respects of the plant, and the height of the plant is only about 1/4 of that of the normal (Table 3). The development of the flower organs is poor, and no seeds are produced.(5) Micro- and megasporogenesis is carried through very regularly in the dwarf, but it can not produce any viable pollen-grains or embryo-sacs. Strange to say, a fairly large percent of ovaries contained two ovules (Fig. 16).(6) We can not tell at present whether this sterile and extremely dwarf mutant is caused by a simple factor mutation or by a loss of a small portion of a chromosome.