石塚 毅彦
一般社団法人 日本総合健診医学会
日本総合健診医学会誌 (ISSN:09111840)
vol.19, no.1, pp.25-30, 1992-09-10 (Released:2010-09-09)

(1) The effect of twice-daily meals on the body weight and blood pressure (BP), (2) the effect of night shift on the BP, and (3) the relation between the meat diet and pollinosis were statistically investigated. The subjects consisted of (1) 650 males and 370 females, (2) 102 males, and (3) 576 males and 288 females, who had periodic medical examinations. The cases of twice-daily meals were comparable to the cases of thrice-daily meals regarding the age, BP, and frequency of hypertension. But statistically significant differences existed regarding the frequency of habitual cigarette-smokers and the frequency of habitual alcohol-drinkers, and the cases of twice-daily meals were superior to the other cases. Early-shift workers who biweekly changed from the night shift, and late-shift workers were comparable to day workers in regard to the age, BP, and frequency of hypertension. The BPs of night-shift workers who biweekly changed from the early shift were higher than those of the other cases, but not statistically significant. “Every day” cases, “2 to 6 days” cases, and “a day or null” cases, who were classified by the frequency of days of eating meat a week, were compared in regard to the prevalence of pollinosis. Statistically significant differences were noted in young cases below 30 years of age between“a day or null” cases and the other two groups of cases, and the former cases showed the lower prevalence. A sex difference was not noted regarding the prevalence of pollinosis. As a result, it was concluded that the effect of smoking and drinking on the BP might appear in the long run, that the effect of night shift on the BP was not serious, and that a close relation between the prevalence of pollinosis and meat diet in youth or something connected with the meat diet was suspected.