天野 俊康 今尾 哲也 竹前 克朗 岩本 晃明 馬場 克幸 山川 克典 中澤 龍斗 吉田 勝美 杉森 裕樹 田中 利明 方波見 卓行 田中 政巳 テストステロン軟膏共同研究グループ
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.53, no.1, pp.25-29, 2007-01

男性更年期障害(LOH)で暫定的指標として定めた値である血中総テストステロン(TT)3.18ng/ml, 遊離型テストステロン(FT)10.0pg/ml未満を示した50名(年齢34~81歳)を対象としたが解析可能は36名であった。調査項目のCut off値を定め, 男性更年期障害の症状スコア(AMS)総得点50点未満の軽/中等症25名と50点以上の重症11名, TT3.18ng/ml以上の高値12名と未満の低値24名, FT7.3pg/ml(YAM値の50%)以上の高値20名と未満の低値16名, FT9.1pg/ml(YAM値の60%)以上の高値7名と低値20名を重症度分類で2分割し比較した。男性ホルモン軟膏使用前後におけるAMS, 国際勃起機能スコア(IIEF5), 健康調査票(SF-36)変化ではAMSの心理ドメイン, SF-36の体の痛み(BP), 社会生活(SF), RE日常的役割においてAMSスコアが高い重症群に, より改善が見られ有意差を認めた。また, TT値の高値群においてSF-36のBPに, より改善が見られたがその他に有意差は認められなかった。
天野 俊康 今尾 哲也 竹前 克朗 水沢 弘哉 三浦 秀輔
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.54, no.4, pp.313-316, 2008-04

19歳男性。患者は精巣の発育不良を主訴に著者らの施設にある小児外科を受診したところ, 性腺機能低下症を疑われ, 泌尿器科へ紹介となった。精査の結果, 視床下部性の特発性低ゴナドトロピン性性腺機能低下症と診断され, 20歳時よりLH-RH療法を開始したが, 1年後も男性機能面からは明らかな変化は認めなかった。そのため21歳時より週2回のHCG+HMG療法に切り替えたところ, 4ヵ月後には陰毛の増加, 精巣および陰茎の増大, にきび, 声が低くなる, 少量ながら射精可能となるなどの変化がみられた。内分泌学的にも総テストステロン値も正常化し, 1年4ヵ月後の精液検査では, 精液量0.5ml, 精子数0.7×10^6/ml, 運動率43%となった。以後, HCG+HMG療法を継続し, 26歳時に結婚, 28歳時にICSIにて挙児を得ることができた。A 19-year-old male, who had undergone bilateral orchiopexy at 5 years of age in the Department of Pediatric Surgery, was referred to our clinic presenting with bilateral small testes. Bilateral testis volume was 4 ml involving a small penis and scant pubic hair per Tanner Stage 2. Serum luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone levels were low. Results of hormonal loading tests, including luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), were positive. Brain computed tomographic scan revealed no abnormal findings. The diagnosis of male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism was rendered based on these data. Administration of LH-RH for 1 year was ineffective. Subsequently, HCG and human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) treatments were initiated. The symptoms of male insufficiency improved; moreover, sperm formation was apparent following HCG and HMG treatments. The patient has received HCG and HMG injections for eight years; furthermore, his wife delivered a boy consequent to the first intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
天野 俊康 今尾 哲也 竹前 克朗 山内 恵史
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.55, no.6, pp.377-380, 2009-06

A 29-year-old man had been treated for hypertension for 10 years. He suffered from speech disturbance caused by cerebral infarction, and further examinations were performed. Computerized tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a left adrenal tumor 6 cm in size. The radioisotope (MIBG) accumulated in the left adrenal gland. The serum noradrenalin levels were high. Thus, the diagnosis of pheochomocytoma in left adrenal tumor was made. He noticed ejaculation disturbance 5 days after starting administration of doxazosin at the dose of 3 mg/day for pre-operative blood pressure control. Sperm was observed in the urine sampling obtained after masturbation, thus his ejaculation disturbance was considered to be retrograde ejaculation. Laparoscopic left adrenalectomy was performed. After the operation, his blood pressure normalized and the administration of doxazosin has not been necessary. He could perform ejaculation without any trouble after stopping doxazosin intake. The bladder neck conditions measured by ultrasonography were the same before and after the administration of doxazosin. The present case is a very rare case of ejaculation disturbance caused by non-selective alpha 1 blocker doxazosin.