笹井 洋一 上嶋 誠 歌田 久司 鍵山 恒臣 Jacques ZLOTNICKI 橋本 武志 高橋 優志
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.2, pp.226-244, 2001-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Electric and magnetic field observations have been extensively carried out since 1995. A precursory magnetic anomaly was detected in July 1996, which was ascribed to thermal demagnetization at a depth of several hundreds of meters beneath the southern periphery of the summit Hatcho-taira caldera. Magnetic data revealed that the large depression at the summit associated with the steam explosion on July 8, 2000 had been completed within four minutes. Since the beginning of July, anomalous magnetic changes were observed at several magnetometer sites along the central N-S line of Miyake-jima volcano, which indicated the rise of a demagnetized area from depth to the summit. On July 4, a few days before the steam explosion, an area survey of SP in the summit caldera was conducted, discovering an extremely negative zone around the forthcoming depression, which suggested the intense absorption of ground water. Tilt-step events; i.e., abrupt uplifts around the summit area, were accompanied by electric field variations, which were very similar to the velocity waveform of the ground motion, as well as magnetic variations with step-like changes. An electric field can be interpreted as being due to electric currents generated by the forced injection of steam and/or water from the pressure source (electrokinetic phenomena). Magnetic changes are attributed to the piezomagnetic effect of rocks due to increased stresses. The geomagnetic total intensity showed large variations after the July 8 eruption, the typical feature of which was positive at the east and west sides and negative along the central north-south line of the volcano. They are ascribed to 1) the loss of magnetic mass from the summit and 2) the thermal demagnetization at depth. After the August 18 eruption, which was the largest, the steep changes in total intensity became flat, which suggested that the temperature rise at depth had weakened. At the time of the August 18 eruption, a large increase in self-potential was observed around the southwestern foot of the central cone Oyama : This implies that a definite change occurred in the hydrothermal system of the volcano.
笹井 洋一 石川 良宣
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.2, pp.p147-177, 1985

伊豆半島東部地域の7点で,プロトン磁力計による全磁力連続観測を行なった.1980年1月から1984年12月までの5年間の全磁力変化を,柿岡および河津を基準にして調べた.その結果,次のことが分った : (1)1982年の5月に菅引,9月に吉田,11月に初島において,全磁力の急増現象が見られた.これは内陸部の中伊豆町から東海岸の伊東市南部,そして北部へと,中心が移動しつつ進行した,1982年中の隆起活動と,時間的,空間的に非常に良い一致を示す.(2)ただし隆起そのものは,段差状に急激に生じておらず,上記3観測点でもエピソード的な増加以外は,全磁力の減少が卓越する.又,急増現象の見られない新井と浮橋も,隆起域に属し,これらの点では,全磁力の減少が認められた.(3)前回報告した,1981年夏期の吉田,初島,浮橋における,全磁力減少と回復は,潮汐磁場を夜間のみサンプリングすることによるエイリアシング現象で,見掛けのものであった.(4)1980年中頃から,東伊豆地域の全磁力は,柿岡と相対的に減少傾向にあったが,1983年から増加に転じた.関東,東海地域の全磁力観測デ一タによると,房総半島,伊豆大島,伊豆半島東部,同じく西部,駿河湾西岸ではそれぞれ,全磁力の永年変化の傾向が異なり,この5年間で複雑な変化をしているようである.又,海洋潮汐や黒潮の流軸変化など,海流のダイナモ作用による磁場の変動が,地震予知のための精密地磁気観測にとって,無視できない擾乱要因であることが,明らかになった.伊豆半島北東部の隆起と全磁力変化をもたらす機構について,予備的考察を行なった.マグマのダイク状貫入に伴って,表層地殻に微小割れ目が多数発生する,というモデルが有望である.