長谷 陽夫 芋生 明俊
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.742, pp.1617-1624, 2008-06-25

There are no prediction methods of bearing fatigue life when ball bearing is used under the condition of contact ellipse being over shoulder. To enable this prediction there are two difficulties. The first is contact problem shifts from non-conforming contact problem to conforming contact problem because of large load. The second is there is no practical method for bearing life estimation under the condition like as edge load occurring, though there exist many decision methods about optimal crowning when edge load occurs. For each problem, authors have proposed each solution. Combining those methods, we propose the bearing life ratio estimation method under the condition of contact ellipse being over shoulder. To verify this method, we compare the calculation result with bearing life test result for 50 samples that have different 3 inner ring outer diameters. The both result agree well, therefore the validation of this method was achieved. Ahead of that, we propose improved solution to the first difficulty, and verify the contact pressure and shear stress by comparing FEA result with improved solution when contact ellipse being over shoulder. This solution has been used to estimate above-mentioned bearing life.