安 善姫 若山 浩司
四国大学経営情報研究所年報 (ISSN:13417436)
vol.10, pp.71-76, 2004-12-25

Information Technology became widespread in the mid-1990, and, many local governments initiated e-government relatively quickly. E-government has developed into e-democracy, which has narrowed the distance between residents and government. It is carried out in every country in the world. Korea is not an exception, either. This article concerus the "GangNam cyber residents autonomic system". GangNam-Gu has a model of e-governance that cases an electronic residents meeting system. We suggest the present status of GangNam-Gu is a very good example for Japan.
姜 瑩基 若山 浩司 Kee Kang Hyung Hiroshi WAKAYAMA 四国大学経営情報研究所 Institute of Management and Information Science of Shikoku University
四国大学経営情報研究所年報 (ISSN:13417436)
no.8, pp.85-98, 2002-12

Recently, the motion which is going to build the electronic government in many countries including Asia and Western Europe is developing actively. Thus, many countries are searching for ways to support efficient management of firms and enhance their competitiveness. Electronic government is a new paradigm of administrative system to properly deal with environmental changes surrounding governments. Therefore, it is the essential model of government in the future, one in which administrative operation is redesigned and administrative services are enhanced by means of information infrastructure technologies, improving the quality of life of the public and further realizing democracy.