藤居 達郎 西口 章 福島 敏彦 大内 富久 功刀 能文
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.61, no.587, pp.2683-2689, 1995-07-25

This paper presents an experimental validation of the mathematical model of an evaporator and absorber, which are components of a water/lithium-bromide absorption chiller heater. The experimental cycle employs a gas-fired, 176 kW (50 RT) machine, which is mainly used in individually distributed air conditioning systems. One of the features of this model, described in the 1st report, is prediction of both static and dynamic characteristics of the machine, especially transient response to rapid change in external conditions. In this experiment, an immediate change in chilled water flow rate is the input signal. Output signals for comparison with predicted data are transient responses of chilled water outlet temperature, evaporating pressure and cooling capacity derived from chilled water temperature and its flow rate. From comparison between experimental data and values predicted using the model, steady-state analytical error is less than ±3%, and dynamic behavior can be predicted within ±10% analytical error of response time.