辻本 直樹 浅見 敏彦 伊勢 智彦 坂本 博哉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2009, pp._463-1_-_463-6_, 2009

In this paper, we show various dynamic properties of an air spring which has an air stream passing through a narrow tube to the air reservoir. Experimental apparatus is a single-degree-of-freedom system, which is composed of a mass supported by the air spring. Thus the only one resonance point is appeared in the response curve when the extreamly narrow tube (d=2.5mm) is used. However, when we use a more thick tube (d=4.0mm), two response points are appeared in the curve. It will be shown that the resonace point is caused by the change of the spring constant of the air spring.