酒巻 秀明
東京女子大学社会学年報 = Tokyo Women's Christian University annals of sociology (ISSN:21876401)
no.2, pp.1-16, 2014

ウルリッヒ・ベックによれば,近年の政治の停滞は別に驚くべきことではなく,再帰的近代化の進行の結果ということになる.ベックの考える再帰的近代化とは,近代化の後の近代化のことで,近代化でもたらされた変化によって,再び社会の近代化が進むことを意味している.そのため,再帰的とも言われる.そこで本稿では,ベックが再帰的近代化後の政治をどのように捉えているのかが検討される.ベックによれば,一般的に近代社会と考えられている産業社会は,半分モダンな社会でしかなかった.しかし,国民の権利拡大の要求や,経済や科学の潜在力が無視できないほど拡大したことにより,今までの公式的な政治の外側で社会を変化させる動きが強まっている.ベックはこのような動きをサブ政治と呼び,このような事象を理解するためには,政治的なものの再発見が必要と考えている.消費の問題を例にすると,これまでの研究では,一般的に政治に訴えることでの解決が考えられていた.しかし,ベックは経済の中に民主主義的なシステムを持ち込むことで,サブ政治の次元で問題解決が図れるとしている.ベックによると,既存の政治システムですべてをコントロールするのは,もはや無理だと考えられる.そこで,ベックは,これから求められるのは,様々な集団や分野の議論による相互コントロールの仕組みだとしている.This paper will show why Ulrich Beck thinks that the political needs to be reinvented. According to Beck, recent political instability has been caused by reflexive modernization, which he thinks of as the modernization of modernization. It is reflexive becausechanges brought about by modernization lead to further modernization.In his opinion, democracy in modern industrial societies was half modern in two respects. First, other than by voting, citizens had no opportunity to participate in the political decision-making process. Second, there was no need to control the economy and scientific advance democratically, as these activities were still in the early stages and not a threat to society. Nowadays, however, we see people trying to change society directly by using their own powers, not via parliament. In addition, the economy and scientific advances bring new products that could change society entirely. We are facing a new situation, not presupposed by official political undertakings. Beck summarized these "political" activities outside the existing political institutions as subpolitics. What we need now, he thinks, is the reinvention of the political.As an example of his new political theory, his analysis of the consumer movement is compared with traditional theory. While the traditional theory holds that problems of consumption must be solved in the realms of politics, Beck thinks that they must be solved through the democratization of the economy. A democratic mechanism should be installed in the economic system, making the economy a sub-public arena.According to Beck, there is no one simple answer in the era of reflexive modernization and we should leave the ideal of the political center behind. Instead, he proposes a new form of politics, one that facilitates democracy in every social sphere and enables mutual control.
酒巻 秀明
一橋論叢 (ISSN:00182818)
vol.112, no.2, pp.p298-313, 1994-08

酒巻 秀明
東京女子大学社会学年報 = Tokyo Woman's Christian University annals of sociology (ISSN:21876401)
no.8, pp.55-66, 2020-03-02

ドイツの歴史学者ヴェルナー・コンツェによると,労働という言葉には,二つの意味があった.受動的な苦役という意味と,能動的な努力という意味である.コンツェは,始めは,受動的な意味が優勢であったが,中世以降は目的のための努力という能動的な意味が一般的になったと考えている.本稿では,そのような労働概念の歴史を古代ギリシャから宗教改革までたどっていく.古代ギリシャの哲学者たちは,労働を軽視していた.労働は,自由な市民にふさわしくないと考えたからである.しかし,ローマ時代になると,苦役を通じて目的に達するという労働観が現れてきた.他方,古代キリスト教では,ギリシャ的な考え方を受け入れつつも,神の前での労働の平等という考え方が生まれてきた.神への祈りを込めた労働に上下はないとされたのである.中世キリスト教になると,ギリシャ哲学の再発見を通じて,世俗の労働を軽視する考え方もあったが,宗教改革期になると,神の前での労働の平等という考え方が再び強まり,同時に,労働をしないことは悪習と考えられるようになっていった.コンツェによると,ギリシャローマ的な労働観やキリスト教的な労働観は,その後も形を変えながら影響を与え続けていくことになる.According to German historian Werner Conze, the word “work” historically has two different meanings: one is suffering in a passive sense; the other is an endeavor in an active sense. Originally, the passive meaning had the upper hand. From the Middle Ages on, however, the active meaning of work gradually gained popularity. This article will trace this change from the Greco-Roman era until the Reformation. For Greek philosophers, work was suffering. They had no respect for work because it was considered unsuitable for free men with virtue. However, in the Roman era, because of the Roman agricultural tradition, there arose a notion that hard work was a legitimate path to success. Although Greek traditions were widely accepted during early Christianity, all kinds of work came to be regarded as equal before God. If work was undertaken with prayer and consideration of God, then no type of work was considered superior to any other. Disrespect for work was partly re-established in Christian theology when Greek philosophy was reintroduced in the Middle Ages. By the time of the Reformation, however, the thought that all work was equal before God regained popularity, and work became a necessity for all. At the same time, idleness came to be regarded as a vice.Conze stresses that Greek philosophy and Christian thought have continued to influence concepts of work through to the present day in many ways.