青木 康憲 速水 謙 小長谷 明彦
一般社団法人 日本応用数理学会
応用数理 (ISSN:24321982)
vol.24, no.4, pp.151-159, 2014-12-25 (Released:2017-04-08)

As the observations we can make from patients are limited compared to the complexity of the physiology, underdetermined inverse problems appear often in the parameter estimation problems of physiologically based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) models. We address this issues of not being able to identify the model parameter set uniquely by finding multiple sets of possible parameter sets that are consistent with the observations. As this approach requires multiple parameter estimations of a complex model, the computational cost can be a bottle neck. In this paper, we introduce a new computationally efficient algorithm called the Cluster Newton method to find multiple solutions of an underdetermined inverse problem.