青栁 淳子
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.105, no.1, pp.57-85, 2012-04

論説海保青陵が17歳の時に実父, 角田青渓は尾張藩に迎えられ, 藩主世子の教育係に就き, 青陵が家督を譲った弟も藩主に近侍した。このように, 青陵と尾張藩には密接な関係があったにもかかわらず, 両者の関係に注目し, 論じられることはこれまでなかった。本稿では尾張藩と青陵のつながりを示した上で, 両者の思想的親和性と距離について考える。18世紀後半における両者の思想傾向を比較することの思想史上の意義を明らかにしたい。When Kaiho Seiryo was 17, his genetic father, Sumita Seikei, took him to the feudal domain (or "Han") of Owari and placed him under the person responsible for the education of the lord's successor and Seiryo's younger brother, to whom Seiryo transferred the family's headship and who also served the Han's lord. Although Seiryo's and Owari Han's relationship was close, a discussion focused on both parties' relationship has never been attempted thus far. After showing the link between Owari Han and Seiryo, this study explores the ideological affinities and distances between both. In addition, it clarifies the significance of the comparison of ideological trends between both parties in the late 18th century from the history of thought perspective.