鷺坂 由紀子 二村 英幸 山岸 建太郎
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.14, no.3, pp.153-159, 2001-03-31
1 1

This study provides the information of reliability and implications of narrative essay tests for measuring achievement motive as a part of employee selection processes. To develop the key achievement motive explicit and concrete rating criterion, the TAT scoring method was applied to data (n = 100) of essay tests gathered from seven raters. Three raters were chosen from entry level workers and the other four were professional writers of verbal testing items, forming two contrast groups. The reliability of the achievement motive ratings was calculated for each group by the interrater reliability approach, resulting that there was no significant difference between the groups. Coefficients of each grouo's achievement motive, general mental ability and personality traits were calculated, suggesting the possibility that the achievement motive ratings thus derived from essay tests implies individuality.