Schlitzer Reiner Anderson Robert F. Dodas Elena Masferrer Lohan Maeve Geibert Walter Tagliabue Alessandro Bowie Andrew Jeandel Catherine Maldonado Maria T. Landing William M. Cockwell Donna Abadie Cyril Abouchami Wafa Achterberg Eric P. Agather Alison Aguliar-Islas Ana van Aken Hendrik M. Andersen Morten Archer Corey Auro Maureen de Baar Hein J. Baars Oliver Baker Alex R. Bakker Karel Basak Chandranath Baskaran Mark Bates Nicholas R. Bauch Dorothea van Beek Pieter Behrens Melanie K. Black Erin Bluhm Katrin Bopp Laurent Bouman Heather Bowman Katlin Bown Johann Boyd Philip Boye Marie Boyle Edward A. Branellec Pierre Bridgestock Luke Brissebrat Guillaume Browning Thomas Bruland Kenneth W. Brumsack Hans-Jürgen Brzezinski Mark Buck Clifton S. Buck Kristen N. Buesseler Ken Bull Abby Butler Edward Cai Pinghe Mor Patricia Cámara Cardinal Damien Carlson Craig Carrasco Gonzalo Casacuberta Núria Casciotti Karen L. Castrillejo Maxi Chamizo Elena Chance Rosie Charette Matthew A. Chaves Joaquin E. Cheng Hai Chever Fanny Christl Marcus Church Thomas M. Closset Ivia Colman Albert Conway Tim M. Cossa Daniel Croot Peter Cullen Jay T. Cutter Gregory A. Daniels Chris Dehairs Frank Deng Feifei Dieu Huong Thi Duggan Brian Dulaquais Gabriel Dumousseaud Cynthia Echegoyen-Sanz Yolanda Edwards R. Lawrence Ellwood Michael Fahrbach Eberhard Fitzsimmons Jessica N. Russell Flegal A. Fleisher Martin Q. van de Flierdt Tina Frank Martin Friedrich Jana Fripiat Francois Fröllje Henning Galer Stephen J.G. Gamo Toshitaka Ganeshram Raja S. Garcia-Orellana Jordi Garcia-Solsona Ester Gault-Ringold Melanie George Ejin Gerringa Loes J.A. Gilbert Melissa Godoy Jose M. Goldstein Steven L. Gonzalez Santiago R. Grissom Karen Hammerschmidt Chad Hartman Alison Hassler Christel S. Hathorne Ed C. Hatta Mariko Hawco Nicholas Hayes Christopher T. Heimbürger Lars-Eric Helgoe Josh Heller Maija Henderson Gideon M. Henderson Paul B. van Heuven Steven Ho Peng Horner Tristan J. Hsieh Yu-Te Huang Kuo-Fang Humphreys Matthew P. Isshiki Kenji Jacquot Jeremy E. Janssen David J. Jenkins William J. John Seth Jones Elizabeth M. Jones Janice L. Kadko David C. Kayser Rick Kenna Timothy C. Khondoker Roulin Kim Taejin Kipp Lauren Klar Jessica K. Klunder Maarten Kretschmer Sven Kumamoto Yuichiro Laan Patrick Labatut Marie Lacan Francois Lam Phoebe J. Lambelet Myriam Lamborg Carl H. Le Moigne Frédéric A.C. Le Roy Emilie Lechtenfeld Oliver J. Lee Jong-Mi Lherminier Pascale Little Susan López-Lora Mercedes Lu Yanbin Masque Pere Mawji Edward Mcclain Charles R. Measures Christopher Mehic Sanjin Barraqueta Jan-Lukas Menzel van der Merwe Pier Middag Rob Mieruch Sebastian Milne Angela Minami Tomoharu Moffett James W. Moncoiffe Gwenaelle Moore Willard S. Morris Paul J. Morton Peter L. Nakaguchi Yuzuru Nakayama Noriko Niedermiller John Nishioka Jun Nishiuchi Akira Noble Abigail Obata Hajime Ober Sven Ohnemus Daniel C. van Ooijen Jan O'Sullivan Jeanette Owens Stephanie Pahnke Katharina Paul Maxence Pavia Frank Pena Leopoldo D. Peters Brian Planchon Frederic Planquette Helene Pradoux Catherine Puigcorbé Viena Quay Paul Queroue Fabien Radic Amandine Rauschenberg S. Rehkämper Mark Rember Robert Remenyi Tomas Resing Joseph A. Rickli Joerg Rigaud Sylvain Rijkenberg Micha J.A. Rintoul Stephen Robinson Laura F. Roca-Martí Montserrat Rodellas Valenti Roeske Tobias Rolison John M. Rosenberg Mark Roshan Saeed Rutgers van der Loeff Michiel M. Ryabenko Evgenia Saito Mak A. Salt Lesley A. Sanial Virginie Sarthou Geraldine Schallenberg Christina Schauer Ursula Scher Howie Schlosser Christian Schnetger Bernhard Scott Peter Sedwick Peter N. Semiletov Igor Shelley Rachel Sherrell Robert M. Shiller Alan M. Sigman Daniel M. Singh Sunil Kumar Slagter Hans A. Slater Emma Smethie William M. Snaith Helen Sohrin Yoshiki Sohst Bettina Sonke Jeroen E. Speich Sabrina Steinfeldt Reiner Stewart Gillian Stichel Torben Stirling Claudine H. Stutsman Johnny Swarr Gretchen J. Swift James H. Thomas Alexander Thorne Kay Till Claire P. Till Ralph Townsend Ashley T. Townsend Emily Tuerena Robyn Twining Benjamin S. Vance Derek Velazquez Sue Venchiarutti Celia Villa-Alfageme Maria Vivancos Sebastian M. Voelker Antje H.L. Wake Bronwyn Warner Mark J. Watson Ros van Weerlee Evaline Alexandra Weigand M. Weinstein Yishai Weiss Dominik Wisotzki Andreas Woodward E. Malcolm S. Wu Jingfeng Wu Yingzhe Wuttig Kathrin Wyatt Neil Xiang Yang Xie Ruifang C. Xue Zichen Yoshikawa Hisayuki Zhang Jing Zhang Pu Zhao Ye Zheng Linjie Zheng Xin-Yuan Zieringer Moritz Zimmer Louise A. Ziveri Patrizia Zunino Patricia Zurbrick Cheryl
Elsevier BV
Chemical Geology (ISSN:00092541)
vol.493, pp.210-223, 2018-08-20

The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017 (IDP2017) is the second publicly available data product of the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains data measured and quality controlled before the end of 2016. The IDP2017 includes data from the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Southern and Indian oceans, with about twice the data volume of the previous IDP2014. For the first time, the IDP2017 contains data for a large suite of biogeochemical parameters as well as aerosol and rain data characterising atmospheric trace element and isotope (TEI) sources. The TEI data in the IDP2017 are quality controlled by careful assessment of intercalibration results and multi-laboratory data comparisons at crossover stations. The IDP2017 consists of two parts: (1) a compilation of digital data for more than 450 TEIs as well as standard hydrographic parameters, and (2) the eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas providing an on-line atlas that includes more than 590 section plots and 130 animated 3D scenes. The digital data are provided in several formats, including ASCII, Excel spreadsheet, netCDF, and Ocean Data View collection. Users can download the full data packages or make their own custom selections with a new on-line data extraction service. In addition to the actual data values, the IDP2017 also contains data quality flags and 1-σ data error values where available. Quality flags and error values are useful for data filtering and for statistical analysis. Metadata about data originators, analytical methods and original publications related to the data are linked in an easily accessible way. The eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas is the visual representation of the IDP2017 as section plots and rotating 3D scenes. The basin-wide 3D scenes combine data from many cruises and provide quick overviews of large-scale tracer distributions. These 3D scenes provide geographical and bathymetric context that is crucial for the interpretation and assessment of tracer plumes near ocean margins or along ridges. The IDP2017 is the result of a truly international effort involving 326 researchers from 25 countries. This publication provides the critical reference for unpublished data, as well as for studies that make use of a large cross-section of data from the IDP2017. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Conway GEOTRACES - edited by Tim M. Conway, Tristan Horner, Yves Plancherel, and Aridane G. González.
Fujioka Kantaro Kinoshita Masataka Choi Jai-Ho Fuse Keisuke Gamo Toshitaka Hasumoto Kouji Ishibashi Jun-ichiro Koga Kazuhide Miyata Hiroki Nishiyama Ei-ichiro Sayanagi Keizo Shimamura Kiyoshi Shitashima Kiminori Suzu
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.62, no.2, pp.61-132, 1987-10-23

The Mikura Basin and Hachijo Basin lie just beyond the volcanic front of the Izu-Ogasawara arc-trench system and the existence of submarine hydrothermal activity is expected. This area was surveyed during the cruise of KT 86-10 by the R/V Tansei-Maru, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo from the 12th to the 21st of July, 1986. A small topographic high west of the Inanbajima which occupies the central part of the basin was found by a 12 kHz echo sounder as well as a seismic profiler. The small topographic high consists mostly of the boulder of volcanic rocks which were recognized later as two pyroxene andesites by the submersible "Shinkai 2000" of JAMSTEC. The other parts of the basins are covered by thick volcanogenic and biogenic materials having bioturbation structures on the surface by the bottom dwelling organisms. The geologic developments of the basins viewed from the present observations are as follows: Basement of the region was cut by the normal faults relating to the initiation of rifting the northern Izu-Ogasawara backarc area and followed to subside. Thick volcanic materials covered the basement. Compressional stress field after the end of the rifting may take place to form folding and fissure eruption of andesitic lava to make small knoll. CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) measurements across the knoll were carried out and temperature anomalies were found near the knoll. The temperature and salinity relationship observed along the knoll gives negative possibility to support the existence of presentday hydrothermal activity. Multichannel seismic profiler data show the existence of a low velocity part, which may possibly be a magma chamber, about 1.5 km beneath the Mikura Basin. All the other data support the existence of hydrothermal activity in the basins. However, it will be necessary to have more elaborate surveys of this area in future studies.御蔵海盆と八丈海盆は伊豆.小笠原島弧-海溝系の火山フロントのすぐ背後に位置している.これらの海盆には海底熱水活動の存在が期待されている.東京大学海洋研究所の淡青丸によるKT86-10次航海が1986年7月12日から21日の間行われ,この地域の地質学,地球物理学,及び地球化学的な調査がなされた.御蔵海盆の中央にある藺灘波島の西部からPDRと音波探査によって小さな地形的高まりが発見された.この高まりは北北西-南南東の伸長方向を持ちその幅数100メートル,高さ数10メートルで2マイル程度連続する.これは,火山岩の巨礫の積み重なった小丘で,その深部には断層が発達している.この火山岩の大部分は両輝石安山岩であることが後の「しんかい2000」の潜水調査で確かめられた.周辺の海盆底は厚い火山源及び生物源物質によって埋立てられており,堆積物が底生生物によって著しく乱されている.これらの海盆の発達史は音波探査の記録から以下の通りまとめられる.まず伊豆・小笠原背弧のリフティングに関連した正断層群によって,この地域の基盤が切られ沈降した.ひきつづきこの基盤を厚い火山物質が覆った.次に,北北西-南南東方向のσhmaxに平行な安山岩質溶岩の広域割れ目噴火を起こし,活断層と伴に小丘が形成され,この小丘を横切ってCTDの観測が行われ小丘の近くで0.05℃程の温度異常が見つかった.小丘に沿って観測された温度と塩分濃度の関係は現在の熱水活動の存在に否定的である.しかし,マルチチャソネル音波探査の結果は御蔵海盆の深さ約1.5kmのところにマグマ溜りの存在を示している.島弧を横切る方向の地殻熱流量の値の分布が火山フロントで高く,背にでもやや高いこと,断層による陥没及び活断層の存在,深海カメラや潜水艇で熱水性堆積物らしいものが撮影されていること,潜水艇のマニピュレータで得られた安山岩にFe-Mnに富む堆積物が付着していたことなどは海盆に熱水活動の存在することを支持しているが,この海域のもっと丹精なる調査が将来必要である.