浜本 一典 ハマモト カズノリ Hamamoto Kazunori
一神教世界 (ISSN:21850380)
vol.3, pp.1-13, 2012-03-31

近年、イスラームが人権擁護の宗教であることを主張するために、あるいは他宗教・異文化との共存のための土台作りを目的として、シャリーアと自然法の調和を論じるムスリムの学者や欧米の研究者が増えつつある。また、一部のイスラーム神学者・法学者に見られる理性重視の傾向がイスラームにおける自然法思想として論じられることもある。これらの研究はいずれも一面では正しい。だが、自然法というヨーロッパで発展した概念をイスラームの説明に応用することは、無理ではないとしても慎重に行われるべきであろう。例えば、啓示と理性の調和を認めるといっても、啓示を人間の理性に合わせて理解するのか、啓示に人間の理性を従わせるのかによって、全く意味が異なる。本稿では、イスラームと自然法の問題を啓示解釈の観点から整理する。In recent years there is an increasing number of Muslim scholars and Western researchers who discuss harmony between Shari'a and natural law in order to claim that Islam is a defender of human rights or to provide a foundation for coexistence of Islam and other faiths. There are also writers who regard rational thinking of some Muslim theologians and jurists as that of naturalists. Although all these discourses are true in some respects, to what extent is it helpful in explaining Islam to resort to the idea of natural law, which was developed in the West? The phrase of harmony between revelation and reason, for example, is used in two opposite meanings: interpreting revelation rationally, on one hand, and making reason follow revelation, on the other hand. This article addresses questions on Islam and natural law in terms of interpreting revelation, classifying various theories of Islamic natural law into three types: first, a revelation-based one in Sayyid Qutb's writings; second, a reason-based one attributed to Muhammad `Abduh and Rashīd Ridā; and third, a reason-based one advocated by Abdulaziz Sachedina. This article also points out inconsistencies in these discourses. The most important inconsistency is to associate the thought of the Mu`tazilite School with that of modern reformists. This School is well-known for highly appreciating the role of reason. It should be noted, however, that medieval reason was different from modern reason - as far as legal issues are concerned, medieval reason accepted the authority of revelation. This inconsistency suggests what a profound impact Western modernity had on Islam.