Matsuoka Atsushi Ito Tsuyoshi
Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology) = Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology) (ISSN:13491237)
vol.34, pp.49-57, 2019-03

An updated version from radiolarian zonal scheme in the 1990s for the Jurassic in Japan and the western Pacific is presented and vertical distributions of selected radiolarian species are illustrated. The major modifications are as follows: The Bipedis horiae Zone (JR0) is added below the Parahsuum simplum Zone (JR1). The base of the Bipedis horiae Zone (JR0) is defined by the last occurrence biohorizon of Haeckelicyrtium breviora Sugiyama and corresponds to the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. The base of the Parahsuum simplum Zone is dated within the Sinemurian. The Tricolocapsa plicarum Zone (JR4), Tricolocapsa conexa Zone (JR5), Stylocapsa(?) spiralis Zone (JR6), and Pseudodictyomitra primitiva Zone (JR8) are modified to the Striatojaponocapsa plicarum Zone (JR4), Striatojaponocapsa conexa Zone (JR5), Kilinora spiralis Zone (JR6), and Loopus primitivus Zone (JR8), respectively, in accordance to the change of generic assignment of zone-nominal species.
Ito Tsuyoshi Kurihara Toshiyuki Hakoiwa Hiroaki Ibaraki Yousuke Matsuoka Atsushi
Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology) = Science reports of Niigata University. (Geology) (ISSN:13491237)
vol.32, pp.1-14, 2017-03

This article describes radiolarians from a radiolarite pebble within conglomerate from a float block that was collected along the banks of the Kotaki River in the Kotaki area, Itoigawa, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan. Futobari morishitai Furutani, Inaniguttidae gen. et sp. indet., and Palaeoscenidiidae gen. et sp. indet. were recognized on etched surfaces of the pebble. Pseudospongoprunum sp., Zadrappolus sp., and Rotasphaera sp. were discovered in residues obtained by chemically treating the conglomerate. This assemblage may be compared to the assemblage around the boundary between the Pseudospongoprunum tauversi to Futobari solidus-Zadrappolus tenuis assemblage zones and corresponds to the late Silurian. This report marks the first identification of Silurian radiolarians in Niigata Prefecture, which also makes them the oldest recorded fossils from the prefecture. The clasts are also the oldest recorded radiolarian-bearing clasts within conglomerates of the Japanese Islands and the Korean Peninsula.