A man in his 50s with Budd-Chiari syndrome diagnosed with the suprahepatic inferior vena cava (IVC) obstruction on CT was assessed using 4D Flow MRI before and after balloon angioplasty. 4D Flow MRI acquired in two respiratory phases, depicted complex hemodynamic and respiratory variability, and a jet stream at the narrowed channel of the membranous IVC. Post-interventional 4D Flow MRI showed that the IVC blood flow increased with corrected flow directions in the infrarenal IVC.
In this study, we present images acquired by a fast-imaging method for the evaluation of endolymphatic hydrops after intravenous administration of a single dose of gadolinium-based contrast agent. We utilized the hybrid of reversed image of MR cisternography and a positive perilymph signal by heavily T2- weighted 3D-fluid attenuated inversion recovery-multiplied by T2 (HYDROPS2-Mi2) method combined with deep learning reconstruction denoising. The scan time for the fast protocol was approximately 5 mins, which is far shorter than previously reported scan times. The fast acquisition provides similar image quality and less motion artifacts compared to the longer method.