松田 謙次郎 Kenjiro MATSUDA
国立国語研究所論集 (ISSN:2186134X)
no.11, pp.63-81, 2016-07

大正~昭和戦前期のSP盤演説レコードを収めた岡田コレクションでは,「場合」の読みとして「ばやい」という発音が多数を占めている。これに対して辞書記述,コーパス,国会審議の会議録・映像音声などを調査すると,現代語における読みでは「ばあい」が圧倒的多数を占めており,「場合」の発音が岡田コレクションの時代から現代にかけて大きく変化したことが窺われる。「ばやい」は寛政期の複数方言を記した洒落本に登場する形式であり,明治中期に発表された『音韻調査報告書』は「ばやい」という発音が全国的に分布する方言形であったことを示す。本論文では岡田コレクションにおける「ばやい」という発音が,講演者達の母語方言形であり,その後標準語教育が浸透するなかで「ばやい」が方言形,さらに卑語的表現として認知され,最終的に「場合」の読みとして「ばあい」が一般化したことを主張する。A survey of the recordings in the Okada Collection, a collection of speeches from the Taisho era to the early Showa era (from the 1910s to 1940s), shows that the most popular pronunciation of the word baai (場合) was bayai, and not baai. This is in stark contrast to contemporary Japanese, where, if we follow the distribution of dictionary entries, statistics based on the corpora, and actual pronunciations employed in Diet meetings, the word is pronounced as baai by an overwhelming majority. This paper attempts to account for the difference through examining corpus data, historical documents, and dialectological survey results. The form bayai appears in Sharebon, a late Edo-period novelette, from multiple dialectal areas; further, the On-in Chosa Hokokusho, the first official nationwide dialectological survey by the government published in 1905, indicates that bayai was a rather common dialectal form used in a number of dialects across the country. This paper claims that speakers from the Okada Collection simply used their native dialectal forms. With the spread of Standard Japanese after World War II, bayai has come to be recognized as a dialectal form, and in fact, even as a vulgarism. Baai, in contrast, emerged as the standard form that is widely used in contemporary Japanese. Although further research is required to trace the word's exact development in the post-WWII era, this paper demonstrates the historical value of the Okada Collection for the study of the development of contemporary Japanese.