Lawrence SMITH Carl MASON
Human Ergology Society
Journal of Human Ergology (ISSN:03008134)
vol.30, no.1-2, pp.83-87, 2001-12-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

The reduction of exposure to longer runs of successive night duties is often one of the aims of 'best practice' intervention.. The objective of this pilot study was to examine the effects of a change in rota upon sleepiness and fatigue, and potential age-related issues in relation to the change. Participants were 102 police officers, mean age 33.60 (sd 6.11), mean shiftwork experience 10.56 years (sd 6.84). Testing occurred at least one month before the change from the existing 'Ottawa' system to a new rota that split a run of 7 consecutive night shifts into blocks of 3 and 4 within the rota cycle, and 6 months after the change. Measures of critical flicker fusion, subjective fatigue and sleepiness, and stimulant intake were taken in relation to selected night shifts on both rotas. Older officers tended to report higher fatigue and sleepiness, and higher caffeine intake than the younger shiftworkers irrespective of rota or shift. The findings tend to suggest that the change of rota had little effect but that age may play a substantial role in responses to night work.