Megumi Ikemoto Kaori Matsuo Toyomitsu Tamura Sonoe Mashino
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Global Health & Medicine (ISSN:24349186)
pp.2023.01025, (Released:2023-06-25)

The battle against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) still continues three years after the onset of the pandemic, but there are concerns about the next emerging infectious disease. This study reports the practices during the initial response to COVID-19 on the cruise ship Diamond Princess and lessons learned from a nursing perspective. During these practices, one of the authors dealt with a sample collection team from the Self-Defense Forces and collaborated with the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), Disaster Psychiatric Assistance Team (DPAT), and other teams. They mentioned the passengers' state and the distress and fatigue of the personnel assisting them. This revealed the specifics of emerging infectious diseases and their commonalities, regardless of the disaster. Results identified three crucial points: i) predicting the impact of lifestyle changes on health due to isolation and implementing preventive measures, ii) protecting individual human rights and dignity even in health emergencies, and iii) support for personnel providing assistance.
Megumi Ikemoto Nobuaki Inoue Oyunbileg Yambii Davaasuren Serdamba Bayarmaa Demberel Munkhuu Manlai Battsooj Batchuluun Dondogmaa Demchig Narantsetseg Ulam-Orgikh Erkhembayar Purvee Mari Nagai
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Global Health & Medicine (ISSN:24349186)
pp.2023.01027, (Released:2023-09-13)

Midwives are professionals who fulfill maternal and child health needs. In Mongolia, midwives were unable to transfer their knowledge and skills to the next generation midwives last few decades. The details of their experiences and the comprehensive aspects of continuing professional development (CPD) are still unclear. This study aimed to assess the current status of midwives in clinical practice through an online symposium. Relevant information was collected from presentations, question-and-answer sessions, and questionnaires. It was found that CPD has unclear training plans, no specialized training, and with them having little experience with CPD. Newly graduated midwives do not have an educational program. As of the current status, midwifery services are not provided at the clinical site in the scope of midwifery job descriptions. This study also discusses the situation of low status and salary in midwifery. Strengthening the system of midwifery CPD like development of the educational program is needed.