Aoki Sinya Nagai Kei-ichi Taniguchi Yusuke Ukawa Akira
American Physical Society
Physical review.D (ISSN:15507998)
vol.58, no.7, pp.074505, 1998-10
44 90

We calculate one-loop renormalization factors of bilinear quark operators for the gluon action includingsix-link loops and an O(a)-improved quark action in the limit of a massless quark. We find that finite parts ofthe one-loop coefficients of renormalization factors diminish monotonically as either of the coefficients c1 orc21c3 of the six-link terms is decreased below zero. Detailed numerical results are given, for general valuesof the clover coefficient, for the tree-level improved gluon action in the Symanzik approach (c1521/12,c25c350) and for the choices suggested by Wilson (c1520.252,c250,c3520.17) and by Iwasaki (c1520.331,c25c350 and c1520.27,c21c3520.04) from renormalization-group analyses. Compared with thecase of the standard plaquette gluon action, the finite parts of the one-loop coefficients are reduced by 10–20 %for the Symanzik action, and approximately by a factor of 2 for the renormalization-group improved gluonactions.