Chengnan Yan Meishan Piao Noritsugu Fujimoto
ISCM Forum
Innovation and Supply Chain Management (ISSN:21870969)
vol.10, no.1, pp.31-41, 2016-03-31 (Released:2016-12-21)

In this paper, we attempt to clarify the social consequences of the changes in the Northeast Asian labor market based on the results of a questionnaire survey on changes in Žexibility and security, which was carried out among workers in Japan, China, and Korea. In particular, we analyzed the reality of institutional development in employment,income, vocational training, and work-life balance in the labor market in three Northeast Asian countries by estimating the adaptation range of institutions in labor market. Furthermore, we attempted to undertaken an international comparative analysis on perceptions about work, leisure, and work-life balance under the institutions.