Atsushi Yoshimoto Patrick Asante Masashi Konoshima
FORMATH Research Society
FORMATH (ISSN:21885729)
pp.16.003, (Released:2017-04-07)
2 2

We propose an alternative approach for optimal forest stand aggregation for implementing harvest scheduling, which allows for multiple harvests using a compact formulated integer programming that seeks an optimal aggregated pattern among candidates for forest management units over the planning horizon. We deal with aggregation of small forest stands by introducing the concept of a "hyper unit" as a possible aggregated management unit, which is predefined with the use of adjacency relationship among the set of forest stands. Our proposed approach is based on an optimization framework of a traditional spatially constrained harvest scheduling problem which is used to choose the best set of treatments for the aggregated management units, as well as the original un-aggregated forest stands, while allowing for multiple harvests. We also apply adjacency constraints to create aggregated management units, which are separated from other units, as well as un-aggregated forest stands such that, no adjacent units are harvested in the same period.