岡﨑 晴輝 オカザキ セイキ Seiki Okazaki
国際基督教大学学報. II-B, 社会科学ジャーナル
no.35, pp.93-112, 1997-01-31

In this paper I would like to consider the political theory of Wilhelm Reich(1897-1957). Although his political theory is rarely taken up,it includes a crucial insightinto political irrationalism.Therefore,it is worh while to look into his political theory-However,there is a difficulty involved in analyzing it,simply because after the mid1930s,Reich came to reject"politics."If we can not explain this change successfully,it follows that the interpretation may prevail as valid:the political theory of the earlyReich was just a "deviation."Although Paul Robinson's Freudian Left(1969)is afine book,it does not explain this change persuasively.In order to explain it in acompelling manner,we have to understand the logic,Reich both defended and rejected"politics." By so doing,we can distinguish what is inherent in theSelbstbewegung of pcychoanalysis from what is not.In this paper, I will argue that the later Reich is not "incompatible"(Robinson)with the early Reich and that thereis an inner relationship between psychoanalysis and political theory.