田中 尚道 本村 孝幸 本村 信人 高田 孝充 柏 秀和 駒井 功一郎 TANAKA Naomichi MOTOMURA Takayuki MOTOMURA Nobuhito TAKADA Takamitsu KASHIWA Hidekazu KOMAI Koichiro
近畿大学資源再生研究所報告 = Annual report of the institute of resource recycling of Kinki University
no.7, pp.17-21, 2009-03-01

[Synopsis] From respect of initial cost and running cost to method making of organic waste by brandling compost a generation of greenhouse gas little, and method of making advantageous organic waste compost. Moreover, exhausted earthworm manure provided with the condition as compost, and was suggested the possibility to be able to use for the number of microorganism groups to grow a lot of crops. Therefore, the clarified necessity was admitted in physiology morphology the influence on the growth of crops of earthworm manure in the future and amount.