タグチ ミナ イワサ レイコ サイトウ ヨシヤ ナカノ テルミ Mina Taguchi Reiko Iwasa Yoshiya Saito Terumi Nakano
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 = Educational Studies
vol.33, pp.127-143, 1991-03

This study was a trial for developing a multi-media learning package which combines a broadcasting program with other media. NHK School Broadcasting Special Series, "Hearing a Story -Totto-chan-", was chosen for the study, and a learning system incorporating it was constructed. A personal computer connected to simulated CD-ROM was selected as the medium for making maximum use of the strengths and for compensating for the weaknesses of the TV program, which is to improve students' listening ability. A CAI system for producing optimal learning was developed, and its effects were validated.