Casey T. A. Sakakibara J. Thoroddsen S. T.
American Institute of Physics
Physics of fluids (ISSN:10706631)
vol.25, no.2, pp.025102, 2013-02
30 1

We introduce a modified tomographic PIV technique using four high-speed videocameras and a scanning pulsed laser-volume. By rapidly illuminating adjacent subvolumesonto separate video frames, we can resolve a larger total volume of velocityvectors, while retaining good spatial resolution. We demonstrate this technique byperforming time-resolved measurements of the turbulent structure of a round jet,using up to 9 adjacent volume slices. In essence this technique resolves more velocityplanes in the depth direction by maintaining optimal particle image density andlimiting the number of ghost particles. The total measurement volumes contain between1 ×106 and 3 ×106 velocity vectors calculated from up to 1500 reconstructeddepthwise image planes, showing time-resolved evolution of the large-scale vorticalstructures for a turbulent jet of Re up to 10 000.