SAPKOTA Chandan WIE Dainn
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-28, 2019-12

Male outmigration is rapidly increasing in Nepal, leading the amount of remittance inflows to exceed 20% of GDP in 2011. This article examines the impact of male outmigration on women’s empowerment, which is relatively undocumented in the literature. We employ rainfall and an ethnicity-specific migration network as our instruments to address endogeneity in male outmigration. Our empirical evidence shows that married women in households with male outmigrants are less likely to be in polygamous relationships and are more likely to have the final say on their own health issues. However, further investigation demonstrates that these women are less likely to have freedom to visit their family or relatives, which is probably due to increased cohabitation with their parents-in-law.
OISHI Yoko WIE Dainn
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.18-16, 2018-11

In this paper, we investigate the impact of trade liberalization on the demand for female workers using Indonesia’s tariff reduction in the 1990s and 2000s as a natural experiment. This paper utilizes variation in output and input tariffs to examine two different channels through which trade liberalization affects female employment: import competition and imported technology. We find that a 10%-point reduction in output and input tariffs hurt women’s employment by 0.5% point and 4.5% point, respectively, in light industries in the 1990s. We show that output tariffs affect women’s employment in a competitive industry, while input tariffs increase firms’ utilization of foreign inputs instead of domestic inputs. We also find that output tariffs encourage women’s employment in heavy industry, while input tariffs have hurt women’s employment in heavy industry since 2000. Our results suggest that there exists a race between gender inequality in education and imported technology in developing countries.
LEE Jong-Wha WIE Dainn
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.16-25, 2016-12

This study analyzes how changes in overall wage inequality and gender-specific factors affected the gender wage gap in Chinese and Indian urban labor markets in the 1990s and 2000s. Analysis of micro data present that contrasting evolutionary patterns in gender wage gap emerged over the period, showing a widened wage gap in China but a dramatically reduced gap in India. In both countries, female workers’ increased skill levels contributed to reducing the gender wage gap. However, increases in observed prices of education and experience worked unfavorably for high-skilled women, counterbalancing their improvement in labor market qualifications. Decomposition analyses show that China’s widened gap was attributable to gender-specific factors such as deteriorated observable and unobservable labor market qualifications and increased discrimination, especially against low- and middle-skilled female workers. For India, gender-specific factors and relatively high wage gains of low- and middle-skilled workers reduced the male–female wage gap.
WIE Dainn LEE Hanol
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.15-12, 2015-08

The fraction of marriages between South Korean males and brides from other Asian countries has sharply increased since 1990 reaching around 10% of new marriages in 2005. We employ a large data set collected in 2012 to investigate the impact of citizenship acquisition of these brides on their bargaining power in the household and labor market. We employ propensity score matching using detailed information of brides, their spouses, and households required for nationality application. Our results show that legal entitlement of marriage immigrants raises the chance of being hired as a regular worker and increases decision power in a household. The findings in this paper imply that a legal framework is an important determinant of the bargaining power of immigrants in the labor market and households.